Sunday, 5 May 2019


And welcome to my new blog.

Twenty years ago I was working as an engineer and had an amusing little blog about life and work.
That time passed. I moved on. I changed career and stopped blogging.

But recently, inspired by a friend's comment, I found myself reading Walt Whitman's poem "A passage to India" and pondering the lines:

Ah who shall...
   justify these restless explorations?
Who speak the secret of impassive earth?
Yet soul be sure the first intent remains, and shall be carried out,
Perhaps even now the time has arrived.

After the seas are all cross’d, (as they seem already cross’d,)
After the great captains and engineers have accomplish’d their work,
Finally shall come the poet...

And so I find myself here. Thinking that perhaps the time has arrived where I acknowledge that I am now a poet. And blogging might be the best way to put what I am writing out there.


  1. Good luck tracy and enjoy writing them... I will enjoy reading them xx

  2. Excellent! Exciting journey and looking forward to seeing/hearing the fruits of your labours.

  3. Hello Tracy. I found your page (through Sue and Steve's blog) and love it. But I can't seem to follow/subscribe to you through the link at the bottom - I get a page of gobbledygook. Can you help? Thanks
