Sunday, 19 May 2019

Truth Floats

This week I have been reflecting on stories, particularly my story and the way my poems reflect the path that I am travelling on. Sue at Quiet Disruptors has also been thinking about how we find our story - well worth a read if you've time to ponder.

This morning, also in reference to telling our story, someone else mentioned rivers and how we can stand in the flow and not know quite where it is going.

I like that. Rivers convey the idea of movement, of starting somewhere defined (the spring) and heading somewhere (the sea) but in between there can be all manner of seemingly pointless meanders and turbulent waterfalls and lazy lakes. Sometimes we are afraid to acknowledge where our journey started, sometimes we are afraid of where we might end up (a friend once mentioned that fear of success can often hold us back as much as the fear of failure), but often our biggest fear is of the in between. Of the unknowns we might encounter in our travelling.

Our challenge is to keep on walking. Or swimming.

There is a beautiful image right at the end of the Bible, in the book of Revelation, of the River of Life which echos a passage in one of the Old Testament the prophets, in Ezekial 47. Ezekiel has a vision where he is led step by step deeper and deeper into the water. It's a risky business, Ezekiel finds himself in a river too deep to cross, but having gone this deep he is then shown the truth - wherever the river flows it brings life.

Back in October last year I went through a difficult time. And I found myself thinking about Ezekial in the river, and the processes we go through as truth is revealed. And I wrote this poem:

Truth Floats

When the well of tears
overflowing from the depth of pain
has risen to the surface
carrying with it previously unspoken burdens
You will find that truth floats.

When you immerse yourself
in healing pools of clarity
letting go of the many layers that mask
that which was hidden will be seen
And you will find that truth floats.

If you risk stepping into this river
or expectantly
Allow yourself to be carried in the flow
wherever it goes
fast and smooth
or tossed in the rapids
trusting in the unseen buoyant force
You will find that truth still floats.

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