Sunday 18 February 2024

Rainbow Weather

I wrote this poem last month, when feeling quite low, but didn't share it. I was reminded of it today sitting looking out of my living room window at the strange mixture of grey clouds and sunshine, and then a rainbow appeared...

Some days there is a shift

in the quality of light;

A fragile ray of hope

Cutting through the oppressive grey

The overwhelming damp

Transforms into sparkling drops

And rising up

From its unknowable source

An arc of crimson, teal and violet joy

Stretches out

To touch what we cannot grasp.

Some days there is a shift

in us;

A whisper daring us

To dream a little longer

Risk reaching a little further 

Through the rain

To creatively redefine our world

Allow ourselves to believe that we can

Find a different lens

To bend the darkness

Until all that is refracted

Is the light of love.