Friday, 8 July 2022

Scandalous Grace

It's been a while since I shared a poem. I've had one half written for several months... re-written it several times... today I decided to it was probably time to share my imperfect reflections.

I had been thinking about the biblical story of the woman caught in adultery (John ch 8) and the idea of scandalous grace.  According to the dictonary, the word scandalous means causing general public outrage by a perceived offence against morality or law. Grace breaks all the rules. The things that we perceive should be the case, the rules that bind us, the consequences of our failings - all are turned upside down by grace. It is scandalous. And marvelous.

amid the faultless crowd,
Standing fearful
and paralysed by the past,
I wait.
lift their stones,
Raise their questions,
Call for justice -
Look at you.
But you
drop your eyes,
Stoop, finger in the dust,
Silently examine guilt,
And whisper truth.
This scandalous grace
Re-writes the scandal,
To leave me
Standing free.