As the global pandemic continues, I am aware of the widely differing thoughts, opinions and approaches that surround me; news reports and analysis all seem to contradict and, at times, I find myself unsure which way to turn as I question what is true, and how best to protect those I care about. It is easy to end up feeling alone in trying to make sense of it all.
Last weekend I was reminded of a poem I wrote for the Presence Project on the theme of Protection. It was based on Proverbs 4v6:
"Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her and she will watch over you."
It was good to be reminded, once again, that I am not alone and I don't need to rely on my wisdom to get through this. I am held and supported - by friends, family, and by the One who is above all. So I am putting this here today (along with a cute picture of my puppy because that always helps!) in case you too need reminding that you are not alone.

In arms secure we are cradled
Nurtured here with hidden strength
Whispered through the fearful night
Mother’s words
our comfort.
Stepping out we seek our own paths
Weighty teachings laid aside
Deaf, we turn to walk away
we are exposed.
Wandering lost through desert lands
Until enfolded in your shadow
Experience and insight entwined
Father’s truth
our shelter.
Drawn together in shafts of light
Illuminating the darkest corners
Watching over one another
Brother’s wisdom
our protection.